Cross-project synthesis with workspace tags
armina dinescu
You can currently open a tag and apply filters to adjust what highlights are shown, and workspace tags allow you to display highlights from multiple projects. However, there isn't a way to save this as a highlight view like you can on project tags.
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Jess Richards
This is absolutely essential functionality which we have been asking for for years - we really need cross project analysis! The whole point for us of workspace tags is to be able to do this.
Carolyn Buehler
It would be very helpful to be able to pull tags from across projects to view in one canvass, without having to have created 'global' tags first.
Use case: I have tagged some interviews with user type "A" across different projects. I now want to look at these interviews together, and expect to be able to see all my "A" tags across projects. I cannot do this, and would have had to create a global tag board first, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense for real life use cases.
Amran Ali
I want to pull in the content related to a tag from one project into another project to do some analysis. I think this is a key use of tagging, otherwise there are isolated projects that don't really merit the work required to tag using workspace tags.
Say you have project A, B, C and D all with separate focuses. However project E has a focus around analysing the themes across A,B,C,D and requires you to use the same data points.
Simply being able to "see" these in a search doesn't really have much value for research as you can't analyse or categories them.
A current workaround might be to duplicate the datapoints by copying them into a new project, but this really defeats the point of having these tagged as you might only need one tag or focus point and you have to copy the whole 'note'. It also creates duplications which can skew data and cause issues around sources of truth.
High value item that would really get buy in from more of my team! More buy in more users. ; )
armina dinescu
Pat Barlow Hi! just saw this input was merged with another input, but i'm not able to click into that input: "Workspace tag analysis / synthesis"
What has happened to that input? Or are there any updates on this request?
Alec Stewart
Echoing what Akemi has said, allowing me to pull in highlights across projects, through workspace tags, would enable cross project analysis. Currently workspace tags serve little function, it seems, beyond ensuring that Researchers are using a similar tagging taxonomy. Not being able to do cross project analysis is quite limiting for a research repository.
Happy to chat about this further!
Pat Barlow
Merged in a post:
Workspace tag analysis / synthesis
Akemi Levine
I want to be able to do more in depth analysis across projects using my workspace tags. The current set up doesn't allow me to create and manipulate canvases or tables with interview segments across projects. This would make Dovetail a useful research repository. Right now it is only good for individual project analysis.
Akemi Levine
I would also like to be able to use the different views such as a canvas or table in order to filter and analyze interview segments for the workspace tags. The current set up is extremely limited and not user friendly for analysis or insight generation